What is the app?
The app is an innovative and modern way to keep in touch with the Young Carers in your schools. The app will place the link between pupils and teachers into their hands, in the hope that the new private routine will make an individual more likely to come to us if they are worried or concerned at home or with their school work.

Recognising young carers
We are already working with local schools by visiting pupils' classes and giving presentations to raise the awareness of Young Carers, and to alert hidden carers amongst their peers who have not yet been identified. It is vitally important that we identify young carers and offer them additional support, to ensure that they reach their true educational potential, as well as ensuring that they have a fair deal with their role at home.

What are schools responsibilities?
It is a great responsibility to ensure that every pupil in the school receives care and support and Action For Children are here to support schools in offering extra help to Young Carers. As a result of the new app at least one support teacher will be responsible for the messages received from the app by Young Carers. It will be important for these messages to be analyzed in order to decide if the school or Gwynedd Council and Action for Children need to provide the support on this occasion. Regular contact with the school will be vital.

Resources for schools
Ffionwynneedwards@gwynedd.llyw.cymru has resources available to educate teachers or support staff within the schools to raise awareness of Young Carers among us. Contact Ffion for more information. Ffion will be visiting every secondary school in Gwynedd in the near future to raise awareness of pupils and staff. The initial contact has been created, but if you would like to ask any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.